Modern world has changed life for people in better as well as
worse ways. People have made the most of available technology, are getting
higher pay and living their life in a much more comfortable way. However, many
negative things have also crept in regular lifestyle which are taking a toll on
body and mind together. Let us take one example- sexual dysfunctions specific to men. It is not uncommon to find men
who are suffering from sexual disorders like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.
Almost everyone
knows that there is a rise in number of such men who are unable to express
their concerns regarding their sexual
health considering the conservative nature of our country where men are
forced to adhere to strict gender based behavior. Women are supposed be the
docile gender that can express their emotions and cry their heart out if there
is a bad situation among themselves. Unfortunately, the same does not apply to
men; they have to be the stronger ones and maintain it in order to be looked up
to. Men do not have the liberty to discuss their sexual problems in India which is making them more and more
dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and small size of penis are the main problems
which men are facing. Worse part is that
they are afraid of being made fun of in case they choose to open up. The same
fear leads them to search for medicines/pills online where they can purchase
products without anyone knowing. Since they do not discuss their sexual
problems with anyone there is a constant danger that they might become victims
of fraudulent products which can do more harm than good.
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